9 years of Zionist terrorism in the Mandate was a reaction to 19 years of Anti-Zionist terrorism and xenophobia

Zionist terrorism was a reaction to Arab Palestinian terrorism from 1920 to 1939 and British limitation to Jewish refugee immigration to Palestine, as well as allegations that the British wanted Arabs to attack Jews to end the Zionist project, and did not start until 1939 when the British White Paper was published.

The British White Paper of 1939 limited Jewish immigration to Palestine to a total of 75,000 over 5 years, this was during World War II and the Holocaust when millions of Jewish refugees were fleeing for their lives (which was awful) and committed to a single Palestinian State ruled by Arabs and Jews as equal citizens, with a “Jewish Homeland” within its borders (which could have been great, if it were not for religious fanatics and ethnic bigots on both sides and the fact that Palestinian Arabs and Syrian militias had been waging war on Jews in Palestine since the 1920s).

However, its very important to also learn about the fact that from 1882 to 1920 Jews (Zionist and local, religious and secular) were living peacefully with Arab Palestinians of all religions and cultures.

This peace was broken in 1920 at Tel Hai and the Nebi Musa Riots, then in 1921 with the Jaffa Riots. In 1929 the Palestinian Riots and Hebron Massacre occured. Then in 1936 the Arabs waged a full on civil war against the Jews and British.

The Zionists did not commit any terrorist attacks or acts of war against Arab Palestinians until 1939 (when they committed many), but they were repeatedly victims of massacres by Arab Palestinians.

By 1939 both Arab Palestinians and Zionist Jews were in a civil war with each other and they were both waging war on the British, although for some time Haganah was defending the British from Irgun and Lehi, but eventually joined them in attacking the British.

This war on Britain and against each other, is what lead to the British giving up the Mandate for Palestine and US President Harry Truman supporting the UN partitioning Palestine to keep the Arabs and Jews from killing each other.

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